TALE of SHADOWS (Proof of Concept)
Tale of Shadows is a Proof of Concept piece for a larger story surrounding a surly Forest Guardian and a lost little girl.
It won three awards at the Kingstoon Festival in jamaica, and one Award at the New Animation Animation and Cartoon International Film festival in the USA for best new Project.
Currently it is undergoing some development...updates are sure to follow.
Kina Sky is an animated short about a cyborg girl trapped on a floating island and longing for freedom. It was selected as one of 30 finalists for the Nickelodeon animation Festival in 2009.
It's also screened in numerous locations around the world including Romania and the 02 Arena in London during the 2012 Olympics.
This is also something that is currently undergoing development...updates are sure to follow.
DEEPER: Shadow Song
From so far back it's not even in HD. This was back from that time when I used to make music, and I fancied myself a Singer by more than just my last name. *Cough* >_>